Wishing you a happy festive season

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting my efforts to raise awareness about key issues effecting our world. Gender equality, women’s rights and peace building continue to be key areas that need so much work to ensure we live in a more equitable world. Not just that, but ensure we create sound social, political and economic decisions in every nation.

So as we go into this festive period and a new decade, I encourage you to think about the following points…

Everyone should be at the table

Whether it is FTSE boards, conflict peace tables or local governments around the globe, having both male and female voices is key to ensure decisions are made in a fair and balanced way. We know that women offer different skills to men and in order to achieve positive progress, we must leverage both male and female capabilities.

Check for sustainability throughout the whole chain

As we become more aware and demanding of brands and their environmental efforts, we must also continue to question their whole supply chain. Big companies are still turning a blind eye to workers being underpaid and mistreated. We must make companies accountable for all their actions, whether they are fashionable or not.

Ask the questions

Human trafficking has not disappeared. It continues to be one of the most profitable businesses in the world. This has to stop and needs to be tackled at every angle. It is a business that is enabled by a network of institutions including banks, lawyers and government officials. It is vital that these people are questioned and held accountable. We must spot it in action but we must also stop it from occurring in the first place, as well as confiscating the profits.

I hope you have time to reflect, recharge and enjoy time with your family and friends over the next few days. I look forward to connecting more in 2020.

All the best,

Baroness Goudie

International Women's Day 2020: Generation Equality

International Women's Day 2020: Generation Equality

“Women’s Rights are Human Rights”